All orders are shipped from Antwerp, Belgium. While orders are typically shipped within 2-5business days, orders may take longer due to unforeseen circumstances. You will receive an order confirmation email once your order has been successfully placed and additional emails once your order has been shipped and delivered.
Orders can be returned within 20 days of the order being placed. All returned items must be in new unworn condition with tags still attached. Returned items received in any other condition will be sent back at your expense unless otherwise agreed upon. We are unable to accept returns after 20 days from time of order. You can contact CONTACT@BROKESTUDIOSANTWERP.COM to initiate your return or click here.
Pre-order items will ship once stock becomes available. The estimated delivery date will be listed in the product description of the item. You will receive an email with tracking once it’s been shipped.
Pre-order shipping dates are subject to delays.